It’s hard to believe I’ve been doing this for the last two decades. After leaving my previous employer and not knowing what I wanted to do next I visited my old friend Rich Boyd, KE3Q, and the two of us came up with the idea of a daily DX newsletter which would be sent via e-mail. In fact, Rich was the one who coined the name “The Daily DX”. Initially, there were about 100 trial subscribers who were DXers and Contesters to test the waters. After about two weeks it was obvious there was a demand and I began to offer subscriptions, including Charter subscribers during the first thirty days. Many of those subscribers are still avid supports. As in any business, those first 4-5 years were very difficult trying to support my passion and family! Thankfully I have a loving and patient XYL! So here’s to the next 20 years.

Congrats on 20 years. I look forward to becoming a subscriber and supporting you for the next 20..
Thank Jim for your support!
Bernie, W3UR
Here’s to 20 more years, Bernie!
Thanks Mark
I hope I am blessed to be around and in good health continuing to chase DX over the next 2 decades!
I have been a subscriber of the Daily DX for the better part of the last 20 years and always read you with the same interest and passion. Congrats Bernie for a great product and long life for what I consider an essential service.
Thank you Guy
You are too kind! Thanks for your continued support.
Bernie, congratulations on 20 years of the Daily DX!
And thanks for helping to get our meager efforts in the Eastern Caribbean noticed.
Mac DX IS! Always promoting DXing, IOTA and Contesting! Keep us posted and we’ll get the word out.
I won a subscription to the DDX at Visalia last year (Thank YOU). I will be subscribing when it runs out! I know this has made me a better DXer. I currently have 204 entities with 147 confirmed just for this year.
Congrats for 20 years! Keep up the good work!
Congratulations Kent! Sorry I won’t be able to make it to Visalia this year. Keep on DXing!
Nice one, Old Pal.
Your legacy continues!
Brad, K3BR
Thanks Brad – but no where near as long as our friendship!
20 years – wow. Isn’t that the large steak and bottle of wine anniversary? -)
Here’s to another 20 years!
73 de Lee KX4TT
The large steak sounds great!