Welcome to the Daily DX web page. If you are an Amateur Radio operator and enjoy chasing DX, this is the place to get your daily DX news. The Daily DX is the newest, fastest and most innovative way to obtain up-to-date HF DX information.

The Daily DX is the pre-eminent Internet DX bulletin. You will receive DX news that is instantaneous and unreliant on the US Postal service. Your DX news will be automatically delivered to your home or office by e-mail Monday through Friday, 50 weeks per year. Unlike other bulletins which may take 2-5 days to reach you, The Daily DX news arrives before the information is out-of-date.

The Daily DX provides the latest DX information collected from a world-wide network of sources. The raw DX data is put into a user-friendly format to meet your DXing needs. You will receive information about future DXpeditions, QSL information, propagation forecasts, IOTA (Islands on the air), post DXpedition write-ups and more.

Take a look at a sample issue. Why settle for less, when you can have all the DX information delivered to you in a timely fashion 5 days a week. Try The Daily DX free for 2 weeks to see what you have been missing.  Subscribe to the Daily DX today and you will have the fastest DX source.

73 de Bernie McClenny, W3UR